Portfolio in: Dear Dave, #18, New York, 2014, pp. 75-84.
In cooperation with Egon Van Herreweghe.
Self-published by Dominique Somers and Egon Van Herreweghe, the recently released booklet Best Available Copy is solely conceived to be used in a series of on-going interventions. Containing images reproduced from illustrated books that show the physical consequences of long-term use and manipulation, the publication is given a well-deserved 'second life' (or is it third?) as the artists have engaged in yet another démarche to address the fundamentals of printed matter. For since its realisation, Somers and Van Herreweghe have been using the booklet as the basic material for a variety of process-oriented actions. Through a broad range of manipulations, the papers and images of Best Available Copy transform into temporal sculptures and in this continuous loop from object to image and vice versa , the artists' ideas on book-making are crystalized into a reified, yet non-definitive form.
As a starting point for their interventions, the artists choose the 2014 edition of the Poppositions art fair in Brussels. A natural choice since the Best Available Copy project first saw the light when Somers and Van Herreweghe received the jury prize for their mutual presentation at this annual event last year. A selection of images resulting from this first intervention are published in Dear Dave #18.