Harbinger: Subtle Collisions
Ghent University Botanical Garden, July 2019
Where there are uncertainty and doubt, there is the desire to understand. To face uncertainties, we sometimes have to predict, anticipate, and rely on our intuition. We estimate changes and try to visualize unknown matters. The exhibition Harbinger II: Subtle Collisions asks the question: what are the common grounds between art and science? Could it be in the way both fields use prediction and intuition as an approach towards understanding the world? A harbinger predicts future events. Both artists and scientists could be considered as forerunners, who reveal imperceptible phenomena. They aim to reach sensible dimensions of the world, driven by a constant curiosity.
Harbinger II: Subtle Collisions combines works by the artistic researchers associated with KASK & Conservatorium, developed after a visit to the CERN facilities in Geneva, with work by artists selected by the postgraduate students of Curatorial Studies. It is part of Harbinger, a project by Curatorial Studies in collaboration with art@CMS and Ghent University.
With works by Véronique Béland, Joris Blanckaert, Michiel De Cleene, Edith Dekyndt, Elias Heuninck, Nicolas Lamas, Ives Maes, Joost Rekveld, Dominique Somers, Chantal van Rijt, Ian Wilson.
Images © Ingel Vailka